
Monitors are broken

This post is more of a rant...

I think that the current wide-spread programming "abstractions" for concurrency (locks, condition variables) are flawed, insufficient, error-prone, whatever you like. It's easy to get into deadlock, the programmer has to be meticulous in his decisions which functions should be synchronized with respect to which objects, etc. No, I don't view Java's synchronized keyword as something good and well-designed.. It's basically still the same paradigm with more details hidden away..

My biggest objection are monitors: the name is most often mentioned in conjunction with condition variables. Looking simple on the surface, it can sometimes have surprising semantics: for example the pthread_cond_wait atomically unlocks and blocks the thread. When the thread is woken up, the mutex associated with the condition variable is reacquired. However, not atomically after unblocking. So you have to put your condition wait in a while loop and re-test on each awakening whether the condition is true. And pthread_cond_signal delivers the signal to an unspecified thread so it's very easy to have starvation.

Is it possible to make a paradigm shift in this area? Does concurrent programming really have to be so error-prone? At least some guys are trying; take a look at another project of Microsoft Research for a possible design of novel concurrency primitives.: Polyphonic C#. A quote from the online introduction: "... polyphonic methods to not lock the whole object and are not executed with 'monitor semantics'". Yaay, no monitors! :)


Anonymous said...

The idea sounds similar to the already known concept of "lock-free" data structures.

zvrba said...

Yes, I've read a lot on them recently. There's even an open-source project that is implementing transactional memory: search for libcmt on freshmeat.