In one of the earlier posts I was looking for a language that makes it easy to write higher-order programs, is reasonably easy to interface with C data types and has an efficient native-code compiler. Ocaml fits this description. If I had learned it sooner, I wouldn't have even considered writing my data analysis programs in C++. So, although I do not have an immediate use for Ocaml, I'm nevertheless learning it now so that I can apply it to future problems.
Another interesting fact is that Microsoft is developing its .NET variant of Ocaml - F#. Integration with .NET will make it possible for programmers to use large number of existing .NET libraries, something that Ocaml is still missing. OK, there is a code repository, but the number of available libraries is very small compared to "mainstream" languages like C, C++, Python or Java.
I'm learning Ocaml by solving problems from Croatian competitions in programming. These are non-trivial algorithmic problems (harder than problems usually found in introductory texts to any programming language), and they only use file I/O in their specifications, so I don't have to learn a bunch of external libraries, not directly related to the language itself, to become productive.
What follows are some observations about my programming style in Ocaml:
- I tend to solve problems bottom-up.
- Thorough testing.
- I think at higher levels of abstraction and writing more general and reusable code.
- Less time to getting correct code.
Some of Ocaml's features can be simulated in C++ by function objects and templates (traits and policies come to mind), but with horrible and too verbose syntax and even more horrible error messages if you do mess something up. Not to mention long type declarations of nested templates if you want to store a function in a variable (actually, you can't do that with a real function but only with a function object).
The overloaded "auto" keyword is only a proposal for the next C++ standard (it is something akin to Ocaml's type inference) and the "typeof" keyword is still an extension, although provided by at least gcc. Maybe even lambda gets it into the language.
The only minor annoyance I have come across until now are some inconsistencies in the order of function arguments in the standard library. For example, most of the time the data structure operated upon is the last argument to the function except in a few cases where it is the first.
I have more than 10 years of experience in C programming and haven't given up on it because of its inconsistencies. I know almost all of the standard C library by heart, yet I'm unable to memorize the prototypes of three often used functions: fgets, fread and fwrite. They are inconsistent with respect to all other file functions in that that they take their FILE* argument last. No matter how often have I used those functions, I still have to look them up in the man page.
Consistency in the standard library is important. It makes life easier to the programmer. But it is not a fatal flaw which would make me disregard the whole programming language.
C++ is going to get more suitable for writing functional-style programs. But Ocaml is here right now. And unlike some other attempts to produce "languages at least fast as and 'better' than C++" which are usually limited only to x86 and/or Linux operating systems, Ocaml is truly portable: it supports nine processor architectures and many operating systems, including MS Windows and commercial Unixes.
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